28 March 2012

Deeper Still Pt. 2

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one.

I've heard this chorus before.  Plenty of times.  It's a good song.  
Upon hearing it once last week, something came to mind:

That this was why God was doing deeper.  

For so long, longer than I can care to remember, but more so since I've been here as staff, I have prayed that God would just go deeper.  I've been wanting to go deeper with God, deeper in myself and deeper with others.  It's something I've been praying and praying and praying but nothing ever came of it.  Things always seemed to stay comfortable on the surface.  I get to that familiar place and then I stop digging.  Not this time.  

Those prayers are being answered.

This is why God is going deeper.

I asked Him to.

And even though it hurts a lot more than I thought it would, this is why God is going deeper and this is what this song has to do with it:

In order for a flame to be a flame, it needs oxygen, it needs air.  Without that air, it can't breathe, it can't grow, it can't be a flame.  So if there is a fire inside of me, a flame upon my heart, that flame needs to be breathed on.  But no air can get through with so many walls around it.  Going deeper, for me, is about breaking through these walls that have stopped me from going deeper in the past, stopped me from being free to be me, stopped me from finding and knowing and experiencing the joy that I've always seemed to have that couldn't be explained.

This is why God is going deeper.

To breathe on this flame.  

That is neat.

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