25 July 2011

Jet Lag and Speeding Tickets

What a week.  To say the least.

I've been home for almost 2 weeks now.  Being home is a bit strange but I'm enjoying it thus far.

Jet lag - I'm not so much a fan of it.  It's pretty interesting to leave one country at 2 in the afternoon and after 10 hours in the air get to another country at 4 in the afternoon...on the same day.  A little weird.

This past week I have just been doing lots of visiting people.  Visiting family, friends, camp, etc.  It's definitely good to see everyone again and catch up a bit on life.  As well as eat some of this delicious food...

It's official - After 6 years of having a license, I no longer have a perfect driving record.  Sad day.  I was on a long 3 hour journey home the other day and at one point in the drive I decided to jinx myself and say that one of these days I'm going to get a ticket for driving a 'bit' over the speed limit.  Well, no joke, an hour later, I come to the bottom of a hill and who should I see but a nice California police officer get into his car.  I knew he was coming after me.  Which he was.  Awesome.  Welcome home.  But to my surprise, I didn't cry.  But I might cry later when I find out how much I will have to pay...

So what am I up to now?  Well, first of all, this is my new room for the next couple weeks:

Just before I left England, I had my first week back all planned out with who I was going to go visit and when I would go visit them and all that.  I realized a bit later - "Ok, that's great for the first week back but then what?  What's going to happen after that first week?"  But I was once again reminded that God provides:

I am currently coordinating 2 different outreaches for the summer staff at Camp Redwood Glen.  Yep.  Crazy.  I will be contacting the churches that are hosting the 2 teams and coming up with a schedule for different outreach opportunities in the areas.  I am really excited about this.  At first I had my doubts but I got over that real quick.  It is so incredible that this opportunity came up just 2 days after I get home.  Seriously.  How do things like this happen?  Not only will I be planning the outreach itself, but I am also going to be doing some training for them to get them ready to go on an outreach.  I am so excited to be able to share some of my story of the last 6 months by bringing things that I have learned and experienced and what God has done in my life back here.  This is something that I never would have thought I would or even could ever be doing but here I am doing it.  


1 comment:

  1. welcome home Kellie. Speeding ticket and all. next time. when God gives you a heads up what might be in store, you can set the cruise control down a notch. Yes, He really tells us what's ahead. :) Great to see you when you visited. Stay joyful and keep that smile going. blessings.
