We lift up our eyes
We lift up our eyes
You're the Giver of Life.
~Matt Redman
Those words have never had so much meaning before in my life. Giver of Life.
I've been here on the oval for 2 weeks now. It has definitely gone by very quickly. This week we got into what our daily routine will be for the next 3 months here at the base. Our days consist of breakfast, then lectures, worship, or a time of prayer, or all 3. Then lunch and work duties. I have the great privilege of getting to prepare dinner every night. It's a good time. Though the downside of that is I smell like food all the time. That's not so nice.
There are some other things that are a part of our daily lives here on the oval as well. One is small groups. This is a time when we can come together with a smaller group of people and just talk about the week and how we are doing etc. I always love small groups. They're great and I think this one will be great as well. We also get to have workout! I really do love workouts every monday, wednesday and friday morning. It's nice and short but it works you. I've been sore pretty much all week. But it hurts so good. Another big part of our time here is one-on-ones. We are each paired with someone else on the oval and this person we get to meet with once a week or whenever just to talk about anything, how we are doing, what we are struggling with, what we are excited about and just really anything. It's so great to have someone here that I can talk to and get things out and it really helps that I have pretty much the best one-on-one ever (praise the Jesus).
The topic of the lectures this week was discipleship, learning what it means to be a disciple. I really enjoyed this week and I feel like it's just the beginning of what God wants to do in my own life and in the lives of everyone else here on my DTS. There was so much to think about and I'm excited to look back over my notes and learn more. That's what I want to do, I want to learn more. It was also great this week to have a time one night to get to hear everyone in our group's testimonies and how they all came to be here in Harpenden. It's so crazy how God works in bringing everyone here at this time. God knows what He is doing and His timing is perfect. I think God is really creating a close community with us here and that's really great.
Every tuesday night we have a community meeting where everyone on the base comes together for a time of worship and prayer and have a little message. At last week's meeting, I truly felt that God has brought me here to give me new life. My whole life seemed to be taken away when I moved and now I think God is finally beginning to put something back in it's place. I was remembering what it meant to feel loved by God again. This is a safe place here and I'm so thankful for that.
This week has definitely had it's up and downs, good moments and not so good moments but I know that this is just the start of finding this new life that God has for me. It's going to be hard, it's going to be scary at times and it's going to require all of me.
Needless to say...I like it here.
I've been here on the oval for 2 weeks now. It has definitely gone by very quickly. This week we got into what our daily routine will be for the next 3 months here at the base. Our days consist of breakfast, then lectures, worship, or a time of prayer, or all 3. Then lunch and work duties. I have the great privilege of getting to prepare dinner every night. It's a good time. Though the downside of that is I smell like food all the time. That's not so nice.
There are some other things that are a part of our daily lives here on the oval as well. One is small groups. This is a time when we can come together with a smaller group of people and just talk about the week and how we are doing etc. I always love small groups. They're great and I think this one will be great as well. We also get to have workout! I really do love workouts every monday, wednesday and friday morning. It's nice and short but it works you. I've been sore pretty much all week. But it hurts so good. Another big part of our time here is one-on-ones. We are each paired with someone else on the oval and this person we get to meet with once a week or whenever just to talk about anything, how we are doing, what we are struggling with, what we are excited about and just really anything. It's so great to have someone here that I can talk to and get things out and it really helps that I have pretty much the best one-on-one ever (praise the Jesus).
The topic of the lectures this week was discipleship, learning what it means to be a disciple. I really enjoyed this week and I feel like it's just the beginning of what God wants to do in my own life and in the lives of everyone else here on my DTS. There was so much to think about and I'm excited to look back over my notes and learn more. That's what I want to do, I want to learn more. It was also great this week to have a time one night to get to hear everyone in our group's testimonies and how they all came to be here in Harpenden. It's so crazy how God works in bringing everyone here at this time. God knows what He is doing and His timing is perfect. I think God is really creating a close community with us here and that's really great.
Every tuesday night we have a community meeting where everyone on the base comes together for a time of worship and prayer and have a little message. At last week's meeting, I truly felt that God has brought me here to give me new life. My whole life seemed to be taken away when I moved and now I think God is finally beginning to put something back in it's place. I was remembering what it meant to feel loved by God again. This is a safe place here and I'm so thankful for that.
This week has definitely had it's up and downs, good moments and not so good moments but I know that this is just the start of finding this new life that God has for me. It's going to be hard, it's going to be scary at times and it's going to require all of me.
Needless to say...I like it here.
You alone can rescue
You alone can save
You alone can lift us from the grave
You came down to find us
Led us out of death
To You alone belongs the highest praise.
You came down to find us
Led us out of death
To You alone belongs the highest praise.