31 December 2011

Words For Today Pt. 3

Worship is giving back to God what He first gave to us.

He has the hands to shape the clay of her heart.

There is a space inside of me that had to be filled with the Father's voice.  Worship is this place... He tells us who we are and then we tell Him who He is.  Not that He needs to know it, but we need to hear it.  Why do we have to tell God in worship who He is, doesn't He already know that?  Maybe it's so we can hear it and start believing it.

To magnify something is not just to make it seem bigger but it's to see something as it really is.

You begin to discover who you are when you discover who He is.  

~ Jonathan David Helser


28 December 2011

A Momentum Occasion.

Christmas on the Oval.

There were 6 of us, (myself, Tina, Margaux, Jade, Tom and Caleb) that came together for a delicious meal on Christmas Eve.  After that, we made homemade stockings.  These weren't just any ordinary Christmas stockings - they were a combination of Make-Your-Own Stockings from a great place called Poundland (the English version of the Dollar Store), puffy stickers, a sheet and staples:

Once those were all finished, and we were stuffed on delicious made-from-scratch Christmas cookies (made by me and Jade), we decided to play a fantastic charades type game which included slips of paper, a timer, and a sheet (We used every part of that sheet):

After that craziness we decided to settle down a bit and turn on a movie - The Muppet Christmas Carol - and make Christmas cards for each other.

My day started off on the right foot.  I got up and went for a run through my favorite running place - The Nickey Line (see previous post).  It was a bit muddy but such a beautiful morning and a great way to begin the day.

Then came a lovingly made breakfast comprised of mini pancakes (the American kind...), eggs (not for me), sausages, croissants, and of course - scones.

Yes, that would be me in the Santa suit.  I didn't have a Christmas sweater so I chose the next best thing.

Presents!  We opened up our stockings and the little gifts we got for each other.  It was nice.

Later that evening, Tina and I began preparations for our Christmas dinner.  Now even though there was no Honeybaked Ham involved (as is my usual Christmas tradition), our food was sooo tasty.  We made turkey, potatoes (mashed and roasted), cabbage, peas, and Yorkshire Puddings with gravy.  We were proud of our accomplishments.  It was a first for both of us to cook an entire Christmas dinner.  My mother would be proud.

After we were all stuffed, came a few games around the table, a fruit cake of sorts and mulled wine.  (I tried it however, I still have not acquired a taste for wine, but I'm not too upset about that.).

So there you have it.  My first Christmas in my home away from home.  All you family and friends across the pond - you were missed.  But I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to share this day with 5 other incredible people.  It was grand.

 Note: Photo Credit - Caleb McAlpine - Thank you for taking such awesome pictures and sharing them with me.

17 December 2011

White Goodness.

It snowed today.

This was the first thing I did.

It was a good day.

12 December 2011

Strengths Finder

Strengths Finder - It does exactly that.
It finds what your strengths are.
You take a test online which is a series of paired statements that you answer with which best describes you.  You only have 20 seconds to answer each question.  Then when the test is completed, it gives you your top 5 strengths.  In the book that goes with this, it describes what each strength is as well as managing those strengths in yourself and in others.

These are mine, in order:

ACHIEVER ~ I have an internal fire burning inside me.  It pushes me to do more, to achieve more.  It brings me the energy I need to work long hours without burning out.  It is the jolt I can always count on to get me started on new tasks, new challenges.  It is the theme that keeps me moving.

ADAPTABILITY ~ I live in the moment.  I don't see the future as a fixed destination.  Instead, I see it as a place that I create out of the choices I make right now.  I discover my future one choice at a time.  I don't resent sudden requests or unforeseen detours.  I am, at heart, a very flexible person who can stay productive when the demands of work are pulling me in many different directions.

INCLUDER ~ I want to include people and make them feel part of the group.  I want to expand the group so that as many people as possible can benefit from it's support.  I hate the sight of someone on the outside looking in.  I want to draw them in so that they can feel the warmth of the group.  I am an instinctively accepting person.  No one should be ignored.  Each of us should be included.

RESPONSIBILITY ~ My responsibility theme forces me to take psychological ownership for anything I commit to, and whether large or small, you feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion.  If for some reason I cannot deliver, I automatically start to look for ways to make it up to the other person.  This conscientiousness, this near obsession for doing things right, and my impeccable ethics, combine to create my reputation: utterly dependable.  My willingness to volunteer may sometimes lead me to take on more than I should.

DEVELOPER ~ I see the potential in others.  Each individual is a work in progress, alive with possibilities.  And I am drawn toward people for this very reason.  I am on the lookout for the signs of growth - a new behavior learned or modified, a slight improvement in a skill, a glimpse of excellence where previously there were only halting steps.  For me these small increments - invisible to some - are clear signs of potential being realized.  Signs of growth in others are my fuel.

I'm excited to continue to grow in these...

11 December 2011


Welp, staff orientation - completed.

Next up - DTS staff training

I arrived on the base, Highfield Oval, after a long day of travel.  I was a bit out of it, considering I slept maybe an hour or 2 on the plane over.  I was awake roughly 30 hours or so.  However, it helps to do that.  Jetlag?  Not a big deal.

This last week we had Staff Orientation.  There are 10 other new staff members to Harpenden, 5 of which were from my own DTS, so we had a good time of getting to know one another (again) and getting to know everyone else on base and a whole lot of other things about YWAM, about YWAM Harpenden and so much more.  Lots and lots of information.  We talked all about the history of this place, the values of this place, how things work here, and we caught glimpses of what life here will be like as staff.

So what other things did we do?  Well, one day, there was a bit of a scavenger hunt in the wonderful town that is Harpenden:

We won.

We played a game about getting to know all the staff on base, attended my first staff meetings, took staff pictures, had an excellent morning workout, had a great time of prayer and worship, a great breakfast together and so much more.  Overall, it was a great week.

Speaking of which, it is definitely an adjustment transitioning from student to staff.  Last time I was here, I was a student.  This time, it's totally different.  There are plenty of familiar faces but the number of new faces far out weigh that.  But it's good.  It's been fun meeting all those faces.  But as staff, my role here is definitely different, and with that comes more responsibilities and expectations.  On one hand, it's a lot to take in all at once, but on the other hand, this is how you grow.  You get put into new situations and circumstances and let God challenge you.  I'm definitely going to be challenged.

But I'm excited to be challenged alongside some amazing people.  We, as DTS staff, gathered this evening for a night of typical English tea time treats, talking about the week to come and watching the finale of the X-Factor.  Good times were had.  But as we were sitting there watching and talking and laughing together, I got so excited that I get to be a part of this incredible team that God has brought together.  Really.

It's good.

10 December 2011

Lines and Trees

I have 2 favorite pictures.  This is one of them.

This is The Nickey Line.

This is where I go running.

This is where my shoes get muddy.

This is where I learn to push myself.

This is where I see beautiful sunrises.

This is where God talks to me and I to Him.

I have 2 favorite pictures.  This is the other one.

This is my tree.

This is where I walk through the woods to find.

This is where I get poked by branches.

This is where I learn to be still.

This is where I see the beginnings of something great.

This is where God talks to me and I just listen.

This is where it begins.

The beginning of a run.

The beginning of a new season.

This is where it begins.


09 December 2011

Words For Today Pt. 2

God calls us to things that are bigger than ourselves.

Is God calling you to dream?

08 December 2011

05 December 2011

Richard Simmons and Bon Iver

Air New Zealand might be my new favorite international airline. 

I write this within the first hour of this 9 hour flight from LAX to London Heathrow. Why now?  Simply put, I didn't want to forget any detail of this:

My travels started in San Francisco on a delayed United flight.  Nothing too special about this one except maybe the 25 minute nap I had on a 50 minute flight.  I landed at LAX where I connected to my next flight. So that was all good and fine. 

Then came time to board my very first Air New Zealand airplane.  Not only was I met by friendly people with awesome accents, but as I turned the corner, what should I see in the front door?  BAM - purple lights.   

I reached my window seat near the back of the plane to find the middle seat next to me empty. I love when that happens. 

Now usually, there is a somewhat boring video going through all the safety information that you don't have a choice but to watch. But let me tell you, those kiwi's sure know how to made a GOOD safety video.  THE best I've ever had the pleasure of watching. 

It started off just like any other, but then, and this is no joke, who should pop up on the screen, spandex and all, but the one and only - Richard Simmons.  YES.  That happened.  And he wasn't alone in his spandex, he had his little posse of other exercisers in the background head to toe in spandex. I wish I could go into full detail of that video but I'll just say, it was AAAAMAZING. There was Richard doing his thing of pumping us up to put on our life jackets and oxygen masks (in the event of an emergency, of course) followed by a cameo by the host of The Amazing Race showing us the proper position to brace yourself in case the plane is going down. It ended with a shot of quite the party in the plane. A party that was getting a little out of hand as there was a little old naked lady (don't worry, the important parts were blurred out) dancing down the aisle.  

I don't think any other flights safety video will EVER compare. 

After that wonderful experience, we took off. I had Bon Iver playing in my ears and the California sunset over the ocean out my window.

What a great way to begin. 

02 December 2011