Well hello! I would like to apologize for my absense. Internet and time has been a bit hard to come by. But here I am. I just wanted to give a little glimpse into some of the stuff I've been up to. Bear in mind, this is the very short and condensed version...
HOPE FARM: Lots of work - shoveling, picking, wheelbarrowing, dirt moving, path-making, weed picking, duck, goose, and chicken chasing, lots and lots of animals and children...That sums it up pretty well I'd say. Our time here was definitely more practical work and it was cool to be able to see the change that we made on the farm to make it better for them. Also a part of it was a place called Thembisa. It is a place for grannies who take care of orphans can go and so we helped pass out food and had opportunities to pray for them. They are incredible people with such a passion for God.
KIBBUTZ EL SHAMMAH - A little bit of practical work, working with kids in the primary school and preschool and a bit at the high school, prayer walks, little children hanging on to me and shouting my name wherever I went, more praying and fasting, a bit of worship leading and testimony giving. It is most definitely a heavy place but it was the most amazing community feel.
NEWCASTLE - This is my current location. Bascially, I love it here. We are working with a newish church called Tyneside Vineyard so we have been helping them out in a few different areas.
DAYS OFF - Climbing Table Mountain in Cape Town - fantastic. Getting rained out at the Indian Ocean beach, cramming in buses, exploring Newcastle and surrounding areas.
This absolutely does not do it all justice but I just wanted to give a quick overview of things. More will come later, don't you worry.